Sunday, February 14, 2016

Where did the Universe Come From? Part 2, by Mark Heffron

Where did the Universe Come From? Part 2\

Where are the other dimensions you talk about?
My belief is that the bulk of the ideas presented in modern Superstring Theory are true. In Superstring theory there are ten dimension, the four we are accustomed to, three of space and one of time, and six other dimensions curled up inside subatomic spaces in what are called Calabi-Yau manifolds. It is through these tiny dimensions that I believe compacted matter in black holes escapes into different dimensions to create new universes.

In String Theory, the concept of particles is replaced by vibrating strings. The different rates of vibration of these strings account for the different types of "particles". One rate of vibration makes a string an electron, another rate makes a quark, and so on. Most strings are attached to something called a brane (membrane), either at one or both ends. The exception is a graviton, which is a closed loop string. The fact that a graviton is not attached to a brane allows it pass freely between branes. 

When a brane is viewed as a universe of three-dimensional space like ours, strings that are attached to the surface of this brane, like electrons and quarks,  remain in our universe, while gravitons can move freely between our universe and others. This accounts for the why the force of gravity is so weak (you can counter the force of the entire earth by merely lifting your hand), because gravitons can leak into other dimensions or universes. It is through the study of gravitons (which we haven't found yet) that we may be able to discover other universes on branes close to us. Some people believe that beings from other brane-worlds have visited us on occasion because they have noticed perturbations or gravity fluctuations in their world caused my nuclear fission in our brane-world, citing the fact that the flurry of UFO sightings began after mankind first split the atom and developed nuclear energy and bombs. Anything is possible, but I think it more likely that the sightings were influenced by the host of UFO movies that came out in those days, and perhaps by military tests. Abduction claims are a different story, and I will cover those in a different section.

The brane of our universe of three spacial dimensions, and perhaps many other brane-universes, are considered to exist inside a higher-dimensional "bulk" or hyperspace of four spacial dimensions. It is difficult to wrap one's head around an idea of four-dimensional space, since we live in a space of three dimensions, but consider that this concept as a kind of model or metaphor for the existence of these branes. We visualize our brane as being flat like a page of a book so that it will fit inside the bulk or hyperspace of four dimensions. It is possible that black holes connect these different brane-universes, and some people believe that black holes could be worm-holes that connect different worlds and can be traveled through, but I don't subscribe to that idea. To really understand Superstring concepts, you would have to understand the mathematics of Superstring theory. Very few people do. I don't, but I trust what most mathematicians say. So far the mathematics of Superstring theory has done the best job of explaining what we know about our universe, better than anything else.

In my theory, universes like ours are born from a black hole into a different dimension from the one the black hole resides in. Where this dimension is, it is impossible to know. We would have to understand what happens inside a black hole, which we know little about at present, to possibly answer that question . It is possible that a black hole could spit out a a new universe in a "white hole", which is a kind of big bang, in another part of our universe, but no white holes have been discovered by astronomers yet.

Other theories about black holes creating new universes:
Now that you understand how three-dimensional brane-universes float in a higher four-dimensional hyperspace (eureka!), I will introduce an interesting theory which utilizes these concepts.

This theory was introduced by physicists at the Perimeter Institute. One of its faculty is Paul Steinhardt, whose master class at I took and whose main theory involves a cyclic universe which keeps expanding and contracting over and over again. Here is a link to a more complete story: Our universe may be a 3-D wrapping around a 4-D black hole's event horizon. This theory is very complex because its founders actually understand Superstring Theory!

Three Perimeter Institute researchers have theorized that our universe may have been created from a black hole in a four-dimensional higher universe (the aforesaid "bulk" or hyperspace of Superstring Theory). This theory also introduces us to another interesting idea that has been postulated by some String Theorists: that we might be living inside a hologram!

The compression of matter in a black hole begets a big bang and a new universe

This theory is so interesting (and testable) that it was given the honor of being the cover story in the prestigious magazine Scientific American under the title "The Black Hole at the Beginning of Time". In it, the researchers claim that our "big bang" might just be a 3-D mirage of a collapsing star in a universe of four spacial dimensions. When this star collapsed, our universe was born when it wrapped itself around the event horizon of that star's black hole.

The brilliant Stephen Hawking and his team have demonstrated in his theory that all the information (entropy) of particles that enter a black hole is saved and stored on the event horizon wrapped around the spherical surface of that black hole. It has long been thought that any information about matter entering a black hole would be lost forever, but Hawking's theory has challenged this perception.  He has also shown that energy slowly leaks from black holes (now called "Hawking radiation") until the black hole eventually evaporates. On the surface or event horizon of a black hole, a holographic layer of light slides along it, keeping a detailed record of every bit of matter that enters the black hole like a gate-keeper.

Every atom or bit of matter which gets pulled into a black hole by its intense gravity causes some of the light in the hologram to shift along the event horizon. These shifts are called "supertranslations" and each creates a unique record for each particle that enters the black hole. As Hawking radiation leaks out over time, it also carries the hologram's information away with it too

This theory has given rise to various "holographic universe" theories, where our universe is a giant hologram created by the flat two-dimensional surface of our universe's event horizon. It is as if the holographic data on the sphere around our universe "projects" our world of three dimensional space. It's just a little stretch of the imagination to conjecture that our universe could actually be inside a black hole. Perhaps the collapsing core of matter that created the black hole eventually was compressed to a point where it could collapse no further, had a rebound "big bang" at the center of the black hole, and became the expanding universe we live in today. In this scenario, our universe would exist on a much smaller scale than the universe where the parent black hole exists. We would be living in the equivalent of a "cosmic fishbowl". Or perhaps there was no big bang at all and it is just an illusion, and our universe is just a holographic projection of the event horizon of the black hole, like a 3-D movie.

Back to the Perimeter theory which states: "In our three-dimensional universe, black holes have two-dimensional event horizons – that is, they are surrounded by a two-dimensional boundary that marks the “point of no return.” In the case of a four-dimensional universe, a black hole would have a three-dimensional event horizon.
In their proposed scenario, our universe was never inside the singularity; rather, it came into being outside an event horizon, protected from the singularity. It originated as – and remains – just one feature in the imploded wreck of a four-dimensional star.
The researchers emphasize that this idea, though it may sound “absurd,” is grounded firmly in the best modern mathematics describing space and time. Specifically, they’ve used the tools of holography to “turn the big bang into a cosmic mirage.” Along the way, their model appears to address long-standing cosmological puzzles and – crucially – produce testable predictions."
This theory presents a scenario where a universe is created by a black hole with a strong foundation in mathematics and string theory, as mine is not. My math education ended with three-dimensional engineering Calculus, which is considered advanced math but is not nearly as advanced as the mathematical knowledge required to understand string theory. I know enough to produce "educated guesses", which could turn out to be true with some luck. I seek explanations for the Universe's phenomena which have beauty and symmetry, because that is how the Macrocosm, our universe, and its microcosmic reflection, our brain, seem to work in harmonious communion.

Cuprates and black holes,  A Holographic Duality: Read this; it's stranger than fiction

If our universe is indeed existing inside a black hole, or if it was  projected into a different dimension as my theory states, there might be evidence that can be found for this. Most black holes rotate at various speeds, and if we can find a rotational or directional "bias" in our universe, this might indicate that this phenomenon is caused by a parent black hole. The fact that our universe is so uniform in all directions might also indicate that our universe resides inside a black hole. Stay tunes to the Physics websites; I'm sure that interesting new evidence will be coming soon!

One last thing I would like to say in this essay about the 3-D brane-universes and 4-D hyperspace concepts in superstring theory, is that they can lend some credence to certain psychological and metaphysical ideas that I and others have developed in explaining the role of "consciousness" in our Cosmos (and how it relates to different dimensions). I will be exploring these ideas in upcoming posts  (I can do this because I'm actually not a scientist, having no credentials!).

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