Monday, February 15, 2016

Chasing the Cheshire Smile - A Poem about the Paradoxes of Science by Mark Heffron

Chasing the Cheshire Smile - A Poem about Science by Mark Heffron

Chasing the Chesire Smile

Schrodinger's cat has leaped from his box
  And grins in the light of the milky way.
    In the Rubaiyat of quarks and less,
 The moving mind,
     Having thought,
         Moves on.
  Nor all your wisdom
      Nor all your wit
     Can calculate its whereabouts,
   Nor any passing thought
     Record a trace of it.

        How can you photograph
         The perspective of your eye?
       Or grasp the hand
         Already gone?

   How can the scientist ever capture
  One wave in the ever-flowing ocean
   Of his own consciousness?
        Where is the crossroads between
    The human brain and the cosmos?
      Can the universe be reduced to equations
    Or is math our Tower of Babel
   Upon which mankind can build an elaborate springboard
   To take a grand swan-dive into oblivion?

        Every star that beckons
   Has already escaped the image
  Reflected in the astronomer's eye.
       Inside Pandora's box of equations,
         The cryptic numbers are nature's own.
     "Who am I?" is always answered by
"I am that am".

  In the art of chaos
        Paint-by-number programmers
        Splash their phosphor landscapes
    With the palettes of iterative equations
 Until the signatures of beauty emerge
         Orbiting the invisible strange attractor
       Mystics and lovers call the heart.

 Spiraling down the cosmic mind-field
      The roller-coaster frequencies shrink,
         And vital signs flicker like dying candles
   Until the still blood surrenders its light
         And the flat-line sleeper awakens to ecstasy.

 The theorist stares intently

   At the chalk marks on his blackboard,
       Peers through the looking-glasses
     Of microscopes, telescopes
 And particle accelerators
At the fleeting trails of the illusive cat
     With his countless calico lives
        Who keeps dividing himself by zero
  And disappears again and again
Into that inscrutable smile.

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