Friday, August 19, 2016

What the Flag Means - a Tribute to American Heroes - A Song after 9-11

What the Flag Means - a Tribute to American Heroes - A Song after 9-11

This is the most well-received song I've ever written and published. You can find the lyrics on various patriotic websites, and the lyrics about Captain Patrick Brown were published in a book written by a woman who works for the New York Times, but I've always had an uneasy feeling about it. 
I originally wrote the song after the 9-11 terrorist attack, as a tribute to American heroes, and it was my way of trying to help people get over the sadness of the event, but the song had a side-effect that I had never intended. I became fearful that the song would inspire young men and women to join the armed forces and possibly cause them future harm. During the time it was published on Youtube, I received an email from one man who thanked me for writing it, and he told me that he had used it to try to instill a sense if patriotism in his own son, and this set off a warning alarm in my mind.
I've never considered myself patriotic as an American. I consider myself a citizen of the universe before anything else. I wrote the song as a tribute to those who have sacrificed themselves for the welfare of our country, often with their lives, but I never intended to inspire others to risk their lives, and after the Second Iraq War began, I took the song down. 
The main reason I am publishing it again is to bring attention to the heroism of all our American heroes, but especially to Captain Patrick "Paddy" Brown of the NYFD, whose life should have been celebrated in a major movie by now (I do believe that a small-budget film was made about his life).  
When Patrick came back from the Vietnam War as a decorated marine sergeant, he felt very disillusioned as did many other returning veterans, but his life turned around for the better when he joined the New York Fire Department, and after several daring rescues, he became a well-known hero in the city, His was the life that great movies are made of. After Patrick died while leading his men up the burning north tower on 9-11, his life became immortalized, and he was the reason I wrote this song. See this link for a short biograpy:
I only wish that my vocals could have been better.
I included Olympic star Michael Johnson in the video because, at the moment he stood with his hand over his heart during the gold medal award performance of the National Anthem, he appeared to be brought to tears by a powerful "invisible force" generated by the heroic actions of patriots of the past, or so it seemed to me at the time. Perhaps he realized at that moment, "what the flag means" to patriotic Americans and lovers of democracy and freedom all over the world.
Long live the memory of Captain Patrick Brown and all other American heroes who have given their lives for the welfare of us all.

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